Wednesday, December 5, 2012

2. Being a Disciple

Memorize: Luke 9:23-24
Study: Luke 5:1-11

Core Truth
Who is a disciple? One who responds in faith and obedience to the gracious call to follow Jesus Christ. Being a disciple is a lifelong process of dyin gto self while allowing JC to come alive in us.

1. Identify key words/phrases in the question and answer above, state their meaning in your own words.

2. Restate the core truth in your own words.

3. What questions or issues does the core truth raise for you?

Memory Verse Guide
Jesus never enticed someone to be a disciple under false pretenses or promises. He clearly laid out the conditions and benefits of being one of his followers.

1. Putting it in context: Read Luke 9:18-27. What is the setting of Jesus' call to discipleship?

2. Copy the memory verse.

3. What does it mean to deny self?

4. Illustrate ways from your own experience that you attempt to save your life.

5. Why does losing your life for Jesus actually save it?

6. How have these verses spoken to you this week?

Bible Study
The magnetism and power of the person of Jesus is at the heart of our faith. Note how the following incident protray the compelling draw as well as the frightening impact of Christ on Peter's life.

1. Read Luke 5:1-11. Describe the setting as a backdrop for the dramatic catch of fish

2. What was Jesus trying to demonstrate about himself with the command "Put out into deep waters, and let down the nets for a catch"?

3. Notice Peter's conflicted reaction to the large catch of fish. Why does he respond in this way?

4. What does it mean to catch people?

5. Luke tells us that the disciples "left everything and followed him." What did they give up?

6. How would you describe the power of the person of Jesus?

7. What questions does this passage raise for you?

8. What verse(s) impacted you? Rewrite key verse in your own words.